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M-TAC, Mission Training and Consulting, LLC was formed to provide top tier specialized law enforcement and church security training. We use only current law enforcement officers who are actively working in the fields they teach. Our case studies are not story time. During our case studies we work through actual investigations and as a class go step by step through the investigation working to overcome obstacles, build corroborating evidence, and build confidence in working these types of investigations. Our goal is to be a resource to our students. Many of our classes will provide students with templates, forms, and other resources they can use at their agency. Our worship center safety classes are designed to give churches the tools they need to develop a security program and keep their members safe while still accomplishing their mission as a church. This class is excellent for both church staff/volunteers as well as law enforcement officers working security for churches. If you have questions about any of our classes or would like to host a class, email us at [email protected].

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Our lawyers are
diverse & give
good insights to
client’s cases,
Also providing
personal care &
keeping your best
interests in their

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